Petit Biscuit | Music Artists on Indie Accent

Petit Biscuit


Petit Biscuit is the stage name of Mehdi Benjelloun, a French music producer born on 10 November 1999 in Rouen. He studied cello, guitar and piano. He began publishing songs on SoundCloud until he became known to the music distribution channel Electro Posé, on which he published Sunset Lover (22 million views on Youtube and 108 million on Spotify).
On May 13, 2016, he released an EP and started a tour of festivals in France (Vieilles Charrues, Solidays, Garorock), Belgium (Dour Festival) and Switzerland (Montreux Jazz Festival).
His astounding precocity and artistic maturity soon attracted the attention of the media, conferring on him a status of "little prince of the electro". (Wikipedia)


Sunset Lover

"Perfect companion for staring at the stars in beautiful summer night"

CF | 2632 DAYS AGO