Zat Kimia | Music Artists on Indie Accent

Zat Kimia


Armed with the same utmost passion and ability in playing their instrument, Zat Kimia is a Bali’s based-rock band who believe that the love of music will freely flow in the way of making good sounds and lyrics; it comes out spontaneously.

The band consists of Ian Joshua Stevenson (Vocal & Guitar), Chrisna Winata (Guitar & Backing Vocal), Norbertus Rizki (Drum & Back Vocal) and Made Edi Kurniawan (Bass & Backing Vocal). This prodigious group and their sound have been making a buzz in Bali music scene since they started to perform out loud in early 2015. They were all met and fueled by a mutual interest of music in the middle of 2010. A love of rock and alternative with a sort of 90’s revival thing in mind on how he sings and plays his guitar, Ian started to break out all the loops and effects that flows directionaly with Chrisna who have always been in love with rock. It creates some tones of ambient, delay and reverb to fill in to their music. Riski’s drums runs by the love of Led Zeppelin but then turns out to a bit smoothen beat that perfectly matched with Edi’s bass sound. The combination gives them a unique edge to define their own sound.

“Listening to our song is like you’re staring at an absurd painting and try to figure out the details”, said Ian. Zat Kimia itself represents the philosophy of chemical substances. Interpreted separately, substance is something that occupies spaces; it is everywhere, it has mass and constantly changing. They believe that by listening to the tones of music, it turns out the human brain to release a chemical substance called dopamine; a chemical which is closely related to motivation and addiction. A mixture of alternative, rock with a bit sense of pop comes out as the averment.

In the midst of ‘hard-rockin’ rock band euphoria, Zat Kimia exists with a different character. Tight arrangement of rock music yet still maintaining the soft-gentle side which is shown by their stage performance. Their song, Aku, is one of the examples where you can listen to Ian’s soft yet firm voices. A very calm yet so powerful.



"High quality album from Balinese group"

HA | 2352 DAYS AGO