Zhu | Music Artists on Indie Accent



Steven Zhu (born 1989), known professionally as Zhu, is a Chinese American electronic musician and singer who has been active since the beginning of 2014, signed to Mind of a Genius Records and Columbia Records. Until mid-2014, Zhu remained anonymous, asking to be judged by his music alone. His debut album, Generationwhy, was released on 29 July 2016
Describing the current music climate as "very black and white", Zhu's manager Jake Udell acknowledged that race played a role in Zhu's initial choice to release his music anonymously, saying: "Some of us don't even know the limitations of our own prejudice. Rather than put those limitations to the test, we've created an engaging way for fans to focus on the music rather than who's behind it."
After being discovered by David Dann (founder of Mind of a Genius Records), Zhu's first track "Moves Like Ms Jackson", a mashup of several songs by Outkast, was released anonymously in February 2014 and was positively received by blogs and reviewers covering electronic music. Other tracks appeared on the music streaming site Soundcloud throughout February and March, followed by an EP titled The Nightday in April 2014, which earned a number 1 play of the week on Triple J. The first single from the EP, titled "Faded", drew support from Pete Tong, who named it an "Essential New Tune" on his radio show on BBC Radio 1. "Faded" was released in March 2014. (Wikipedia)


Paradise Awaits

"A perfect balance for continual listening pleasure"

CF | 2661 DAYS AGO

Hometown Girl

"Funky guitar licks that seems like hits all the right notes"

CF | 2657 DAYS AGO