Future Generations | Music Artists on Indie Accent

Future Generations

c. 2011 | ORIGIN: BRONX, NY

Future Generations is Eddie Gore, Mike Sansevere and Eric Grossman - who first met in the dorms of Fordham University – and fellow Fordham graduate Devon Sheridan. As luck would have it their college housing came with a built-in practice room and a piano in the foyer that encouraged artistic collaboration. The three quickly bonded over a shared interest: a nerd-like, academic appreciation of all forms of pop music. “When we first all met, we were in that practice room. And we actually recorded something when we were down there for the first time,” recalls Eddie. “So, our first recording was when we first met. We recorded onto Mike’s MPC; We made a little song and then later he emailed it to us. From then on we kept emailing back and forth. Right then we decided we should be a band.” Barely months into their first semester at college, the trio was sneaking in recording sessions between writing essays and reading assignments. Their dorm rooms morphed into mini-studios: Logic and Ableton replaced Microsoft Word and Excel on the foreground of their computer screens. Future Generations’ music contradicts the assumption that music always reflects the objective time and place in which its creators operated. When penning lyrics to the first EP, which would eventually catch the ears of Frenchkiss Records, Eddie shirked references to collegiate lawns, Jesuit lineage and other specific milieu of college life. Instead the lyrics reflect the struggle with finding individual meaning in an infinitely large world and sharing those anxieties with loved ones. In “Stars,” he invites both his muse and listeners: “If you come to me close/we’ll cut the cable to outside/it’s taken years to open/but lately I’ve been closed up tight.” And if Eddie’s lyrical transfixions make him sound like a man eager to burst forth from the confines of suppressive on-campus ennui, then Eric’s massive guitar hooks and Eddie and Mike’s pulsating synths are the thruster fuel propelling the escape. “When either I wrote a melody or Mike showed me one or Eric sent me one, I had a reaction to it. And I would write about that reaction,” Eddie says, before providing an example. “With “Stars,” I had a reaction that wasn’t about one particular thing, it was about discovering something broad about yourself. And you have people who come along with you and people who don’t. The melody made me feel that.” With school in the rearview mirror, Future Generations spent the first months of post-grad life in a Brooklyn studio, finishing the eponymous debut. It flaunts dangerously catchy hooks and ambitiously large scope for a band that wrote and recorded most of its tunes in the cramped confines of college dormitories and email chains. (French Kiss Records)



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